Vintage Muscle: Frequently Asked Questions

Vintage Muscle: Frequently Asked Questions

We love when members of our community share their stories, journeys, and questions. As we have grown throughout the years, we have noticed that some of the same questions keep coming up repeatedly in the Vintage Muscle community on Facebook. In this article, we will explore these questions and provide an answer along with a full video explanation. This is an excellent article for any of you bros that need answers to common questions.

Table of contents

Will Vintage Muscle ProHormones hurt my liver?

2 Drug testing for work: Will the Vintage Muscle prohormones show positive?

Can I take my Vintage Muscle prohormones on the airplane?

4 If I'm on TRT, do I still need to run a Post-Cycle therapy after finishing my Vintage Muscle prohormone cycle?

I got my vials of Vintage Muscle prohormones in the mail, and the vials have some crystals at the bottom of the liquid. Is it still OK to take it?

I heard about Vintage Muscle from a friend. Where should I begin?

I'm about to finish my first 4-week cycle of prohormones using Vintage Muscle. Is it safe to extend my cycle for another four weeks?

Will Vintage Muscle ProHormones hurt my liver?

Short answer: No. Currently, no proof exists that these prohormones will hurt your liver.
Long answer: Many people falsely associate the Vintage Muscle prohormones and some of the black market steroids. I'm afraid that's not right. The prohormones in the Vintage Muscle products DO NOT contain the 17aa modification that makes hormones toxic to the liver. Watch the video below for a full explanation:

Drug testing for work: Will the Vintage Muscle prohormones show positive on a drug test?

Short answer: No.
Long answer: Only professional athletes must worry about testing positive for banned substances from using Vintage Muscle prohormones. Most regular jobs only look for hard narcotics, not hormone levels. In some extreme cases, some military and law enforcement jobs might ask about your hormone use if there is ever an incident. Watch the video below to learn more about drug testing and prohormones:

I'm going on vacation mid-cycle. Can I take my Vintage Muscle prohormones on the airplane?

Short answer: Maybe...
Long answer: If you are flying nationally within the USA, you can take them in your check-in luggage. If you are flying internationally, you might not want to take them with you. The video below breaks down all the pros and cons of traveling with your prohormones in your luggage:

If I'm on TRT, do I still need to run a Post-Cycle therapy after finishing my Vintage Muscle prohormone cycle?

Short answer: No.
Long answer: Post-Cycle Therapy is necessary to help your body maximize its own natural testosterone production so that you can keep all of the gains you made from the cycle. If you inject testosterone from the doctor, this is unnecessary, but you might still want to run the Muscle Support Stack and TITAN powder to see what it can do for you. The video below describes this in detail:

I got my vials of Vintage Muscle prohormones in the mail, and the vials have some crystals at the bottom of the liquid. Is it still OK to take it?

Short answer: Yes. Heat it first.
Long answer: This is normal, and it happens due to temperature changes during travel. Just run your bottle under warm water and shake it to dissolve, here is a video that explains how to do it:

I heard about Vintage Muscle from a friend and just joined the community. I'm new to the products line. Where should I begin?

Short answer: Epi-Test
Long answer: Epi-Test is now free to try for first-time customers, and that is a great stack to start with. If you are trying to run a cutting cycle or bulk for big gains, please watch the video below for a full breakdown of your different cycle options:

I'm about to finish my first 4-week cycle of prohormones using Vintage Muscle. Is it safe to extend my cycle for another four weeks?

Short answer: Yes.
Long answer: Yes, you can order another stack and keep going for eight weeks, then you can start your Post-Cyckle Therapy with the Muscle Support Stack and TITAN powder. This video will explain it all to you:

As time pasess, we will continue to add more questions to this article. If you have any questions not covered in this article or need clarification on something you read here, please click here to join the Vintage Muscle Community on Facebook. As of today, we are over 20,000 strong and counting. Come on in and post all of your questions, and you'll get answers from other men just like you on the same journey using these same products.